Cigale Aventure - Climbing

3, rue de l'horloge 30120 Le Vigan
3, rue de l'horloge 30120 Le Vigan
Discover the vertical environment or improve your skills with our climbing activities, designed for beginners and experts alike:

Sport climbing :

Experiment and progress technically during our "moulinette" sessions: you climb one-length routes in pairs, alternately belaying each other, with the advice of your instructor. During the session, you have the opportunity to try out different routes, adapted to your level. This is the classic session, perfect for an initiation, a discovery, to discover the cliff when you're new to the gym, or to progress technically.

Adventure Course

Our cliff adventure courses are real abseiling treks. They are not very technical, with simple climbs and big abseils. You don't need to be an experienced climber to try them out, but you do need to have no fear of heights. It's sure to be a thrill!

Long routes

If you've already been climbing with a lead rope, gradually become autonomous on multi-pitch routes, experimenting in a safe and friendly environment. Learn the right moves, climb management and safety techniques. In just a few belays, you'll gain height, guided by your expert instructor.

With Cigale Aventure, you can enjoy other adventures: bike rental, cycling holidays, canyoning, caving, via-ferrata, canoeing.
Visit our website to find out about all our activities.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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