Cabane de la Sèvre à Saint-Fiacre-sur-Maine

35 rue de la Combe 44690 Saint-Fiacre-sur-Maine
35 rue de la Combe 44690 Saint-Fiacre-sur-Maine
We have decided to set up cabins in atypical places in the Vignoble Nantais. Our idea with RandoCabane is to allow you to find refuge in our nature during your walks and hikes.
This hut is located on a 3 hectare site on the banks of the Sèvre Nantaise, with 2 other huts on the same site. It is a strategic point for hiking in the vineyards, and can be reached on foot, by canoe or by bike.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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