La Bicyclette Fleurie

2 chemin de Traverse 38460 Villemoirieu
2 chemin de Traverse 38460 Villemoirieu
Just 2 minutes from Crémieu, a charming medieval town, Nathalie & Richard welcome you to their comfortable Ecogîte.
Culture, savoir-vivre and the environment coexist in respect of sustainable and equitable tourism development.
Close to Morestel, Saint-Chef, Grottes de la Balme, Lyon and the vineyards.

For stays ranging from one day to several days, we offer a large, fully-equipped ecological group gîte on arrival.
Rooms will be prepared according to the composition of the group (couples or shared rooms) and towels will be provided in the bathrooms.

You have access to the kitchen, a large 60 m² living room with large tables and a wood-burning stove, a magnificent garden enclosed by stone walls, an indoor/outdoor swimming pool (depending on the season), a summer kitchen with a bread and pizza oven and a barbecue area.

There's also an exclusive balneotherapy SPA and sauna. You can also take advantage of a wide range of wellness massages on reservation.

The gîte has 2 levels.
End-of-stay cleaning is also included in our rental package.
For an additional charge, upon reservation only, we offer a range of complementary services: breakfasts, brunches, meals delivered, served, buffet-style, coffee breaks, country entertainment, bike rental, etc.

All meals are based on organic or local produce, and homemade bread baked in a wood-fired oven.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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