Village de la Champagne - Slowmoov

11 rue des Varennes 10200 Bar-sur-Aube
11 rue des Varennes 10200 Bar-sur-Aube
Come and stay in our Champagne Village - Slowmoov located in Bar sur Aube.

Come into our world and discover a unique and wonderful world!

With atypical accommodation, attentive staff, nature and relaxation, come and enjoy an experience
experience the ultimate in comfort.

We offer accommodation for 2 to 10 people. Some are equipped with a single bed,
others with sanitary facilities and/or kitchenette, and even some with private spa. There's something for
every taste.

Don?t hesitate to contact our team, who will be happy to help you find the perfect
the perfect accommodation for you and your loved ones!

At Slowmoov, come and experience a real adventure!

If you're looking to organize an event, you can also do it with us
contact us.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

Contact par mail

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