Mobil-homes - Camping de Nevers

Rue de la Jonction 58000 Nevers
Rue de la Jonction 58000 Nevers
City of Art and History, Nevers is located in Burgundy, 240 km south of Paris. Our campsite offers you 74 spacious and delimited pitches on a 1.6 hectare site. You can stay in a traditional camping pitch or in a mobile home. You will appreciate its natural environment of quality. Its location near the city centre is ideal for discovering the historic heart of Nevers: let the Blue Line guide you to the splendid Ducal Palace or the cathedral of Saint-Cyr and Sainte-Julitte

Nestled on the banks of the last wild river in Europe, this campsite is a paradise for fishermen. Take advantage of your stopover to spend some peaceful time walking, cycling or boating on the Nivernais Canal, located only a few metres away

Rejuvenate in this famous pilgrimage site, on the route to Santiago de Compostela, and home to the Bernadette-Soubirous sanctuary (museum, grotto and chapel). All roads lead to Nevers, whether by car or by bike; it is located on the famous Loire by bike route. With a remarkable historical heritage, Nevers is also known for its quality earthenware.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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