Meublé de tourisme Le Rocher des Celtes

16 petite Rue 67650 Dieffenthal
16 petite Rue 67650 Dieffenthal
This former winegrower's farmhouse in the heart of the vineyards will appeal to nature lovers with its country-style decor. Close to Sélestat and at the foot of the Château du Haut-Koenigsbourg, it's ideally situated in the center of Alsace to make the most of all the sights and activities on offer. Many exceptional sites are within easy reach, as is a nearby bike path and hiking trails in the village itself.

All apartments + reception room available for private use (15 people in total). On-site catering available by arrangement.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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