Maison des Sources

32 RUE NATIONALE 37320 Esvres
32 RUE NATIONALE 37320 Esvres
Esvres is said to have more than 200 springs, a fact that has given its name to your gîte, under which the water runs until it reaches the charming river that runs through the village. You'll be in the heart of the Indre Valley, where your gîte nestles, in this lively village bathed in a gentle atmosphere conducive to relaxation and country vacations.A feeling of well-being will inevitably invade you in this charming home, where every detail has been thought out for your comfort, and where the modernity of the equipment marvelously accompanies this authentic character magnified by a subtle and charming decoration. The superb, fully-equipped kitchen, the vast living room ideal for relaxing and enjoying a local drink (famous vineyards in the commune and surrounding area, Touraine beer or app
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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