
SOC D'EXPLOITATION CHATEAU CANDE 46 route de Compostelle 37500 Candes-Saint-Martin
SOC D'EXPLOITATION CHATEAU CANDE 46 route de Compostelle 37500 Candes-Saint-Martin
Two superb heated swimming pools, one outdoor, one indoor, and a sauna... All of this you will benefit from in common 100 m from the gîte (within the grounds of the Château de Candes), if you stay in one or more of our luxurious accommodations. For a holiday, a stopover in an exceptional setting, a wedding or any other occasion that you want to make a success with pomp and circumstance, don't hesitate, we even rent the whole castle! We also provide, on request and on reservation, a multitude of services and personalized services for the success of your stay. You will be here in an admirable corner of Touraine, very close to Anjou (Abbey of Fontevraud, Saumur...), in the heart of the fabulous region of the Loire Valley Castles. Candes is also a listed medieval village
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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