Logis du Parc

1, rue du Château 16240 Paizay-Naudouin-Embourie
1, rue du Château 16240 Paizay-Naudouin-Embourie
You dream of calm, space and playground for your children. You want to reconcile life in the open air, tourist visits and discovery of the countryside,
Halfway between Poitiers and Angoulême, 20km from Ruffec (TGV/TER station) in the Charente, in the middle of the countryside, in the outbuildings of a castle (XIVth - XVIth century), listed as a historical monument, in the heart of a 15 hectare park entirely enclosed, we welcome you!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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