Lespiedsdansl'Orne - Gîte Le héron

5 rue d'Aunay 14220 Thury-Harcourt-le-Hom
5 rue d'Aunay 14220 Thury-Harcourt-le-Hom
Modern, well-equipped and bright accommodation in the heart of Suisse Normande. Ideally located next to the Orne, the Vélo Francette (green route) and along the GR Tour de la Suisse Normande and the Loop du Hom. Close to the nautical base, town center and aquatic center, the accommodation comprises 2 bedrooms. One is equipped with a king-size bed that can be converted into 2 single beds, and the other with a 160x200 double bed. A convertible armchair in the living room converts into a comfortable bed. The shared courtyard has been designed for your relaxation. A secure bicycle garage, equipped with electrical outlets, is at your disposal.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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