Come and spend your holidays in Normandy close to major famous sites. Overlooking the Two Lovers Lake, the 19 cottages and the 3 new comfortable lodges located in the Leisure Park of Léry-Poses and next to the tropical greenhouse Biotropica offer a splendid panoramic view. Outdoor and sport lovers as well as families will have all the leisure activities on hand to spend a pleasant time.
The package "Lake Cottage with unlimited access to Biotropica" is ideal for families. For a weekend, a week or a four-night mid-week break, it combines the comfort of the cottages with the access to the tropical greenhouse when you want, the opportunity to attend all the activities and entertainment organised by Biotropica and the possibility to try all the free activities of the leisure park.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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