Le Mas de Lencieu - Le Trihado

2695 Chemin de Lencieu 84190 Gigondas
2695 Chemin de Lencieu 84190 Gigondas
Surrounded by the prestigious Gigondas vineyards, close to the mountains, with panoramic views all the way to the Cévennes, Mas de Lencieu is an exceptional, calm and rejuvenating place.
The west-facing apartment has a large terrace with a magnificent view over the vineyards and the Rhône Valley. A small olive hedge borders the access to the gîte. Private parking is available close to the Mas. A gently sloping ramp leads up to the gîte.
Christine and Jean-Pascal are delighted to welcome cycling tourists to this magnificent character house, and to provide them with all the facilities, services and documentation they need for a stay of three days or more. There are many cycling routes in the vicinity to discover the famous Ventoux region.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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