Le Logis de la Cueille

15 chemin de La Cueille 37190 Rivarennes
15 chemin de La Cueille 37190 Rivarennes
If you feel at home here, it is because the owners Pascaline and Nicolas have designed and equipped your gîte with the utmost care. A cosy hideaway where the charm of old stones and modern comforts make a pleasant place in which to stay. The large garden and quietness of the premises will delight you during summer months. In autumn or winter, a pleasant blaze in the wood stove will provide warmth and a cosy atmosphere for moments of true happiness. As for board games, they will cheerfully liven up your evenings. In the heart of the Loire Valley châteaux, Langeais (10 km), Chinon (12 km), Azay-le-Rideau (8 km), Rigny Ussé, the château of Sleeping Beauty (4 km) and many others a little further away accessible by motorway, Amboise, Chenonceau, Chambord, Chaumont-sur-Loire and Saumur make t...
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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