Le Clos d'Omaha - Suite Jambiani

3 Impasse Saint Hilaire 14710 Englesqueville-la-Percée
3 Impasse Saint Hilaire 14710 Englesqueville-la-Percée
For your next Normandy getaway, come and stay at the eco-responsible Le Clos d'Omaha estate, just a stone's throw from D-Day Omaha Beach.
Whether you're looking for a romantic or family getaway with your feet in the water on one of Normandy's most beautiful beaches, a seafood platter with oysters from the Baie des Veys, a look back at the history of the Second World War or simply a chance to recharge your batteries by exploring our magnificent coastline by bike, Le Clos d'Omaha is the ideal place for a relaxing getaway.
We'll give you a warm welcome in an intimate setting, decorated with care to make you feel right at home.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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