
5 Rue des Minimes 71000 Mâcon
5 Rue des Minimes 71000 Mâcon
Inspired by Alphonse de Lamartine, the emblematic personality of Mâcon, let yourself be inspired by a romantic and authentic atmosphere, which will remind you of the beautiful period when the writer and poet was at his peak.
Its pink and pastel tones create a soft atmosphere in keeping with Lamartine's romantic lyricism, conducive to relaxing moments...
This flat can accommodate two people. Equipped with a kitchen, a spacious bathroom, a relaxation area... all the comforts are at your disposal for a pleasant stay, whether professional or personal.

You will also benefit from a view of the Cathedral of Saint Pierre which will amaze you with its architecture and you will definitely be taken into the heart of Mâcon and its history where sometimes time seems to stand still to let us admire its beauty...

"O time, suspend your flight!... and you, propitious hours, suspend your course! Let us savour the rapid delights of our most beautiful days!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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