La Tour

SOC D'EXPLOITATION CHATEAU CANDE 46 route de Compostelle 37500 Candes-Saint-Martin
SOC D'EXPLOITATION CHATEAU CANDE 46 route de Compostelle 37500 Candes-Saint-Martin
For 6 to 10 people, in a picturesque village on the banks of the Loire lies the Maison Trochet.
This holiday rental is a typical Loire Valley village house built of tuffeau stone.
Inside, there are 3 bedrooms, including 2 on the 1st floor and another on the ground floor, all with a queen-size bed with the option of a twin and an extra bed in the bedroom. There are also 2 bathrooms, one of which is private to bedroom 3, with bath and separate toilet, a large living room with fireplace and wood burner, and a large fitted kitchen opening onto the living room. The living room can sleep 2 people.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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