La Cave

5 Rue des Minimes 71000 Mâcon
5 Rue des Minimes 71000 Mâcon
A fruity, fragrant, intense wine!
Here is a flat with character, where the décor is inspired by the most beautiful treasures of Burgundy, the Wine and its cellars.
We offer you a room in all intimacy and simplicity, a cocooning atmosphere guaranteed.

Cellar atmosphere with pastel and burgundy colours... reminiscent of the stone and the velvety wine. You will undoubtedly appreciate some authentic decorative elements that will make you want to have a little tasting of great wines and discover the cellars of the Mâconnais and Beaujolais regions!
Ideal for one or two people, everything is at your disposal to make you feel at ease and at home!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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