La cabane au bain perché

The cabane au bain perché is a cabin on stilts, it stands between two residential buildings in the tiny rue des lys in Aspach. This real chalet has been designed so that its occupants feel isolated from the world, the windows on both sides are hammered to let in only the light and the terrace's breezes allow total intimacy.

This atypical but nevertheless comfortable setting is even luxurious. The kitchen is fully equipped, the bathroom has an Italian shower with Carrara marble walls, the headboard is a panoramic view of the surrounding nature and on the terrace there is the Nordic bath, a hot water bath outside with a view of nature.

The perched bathhouse is warm with the exposed framework in all rooms, a place to relax and let go, ideal for a romantic interlude. Possible in option: meal and drinks 100% Alsatian!

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Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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