L'Originelle, dans la campagne et à Guise

Ferme de Courcelles 02120 Guise
Ferme de Courcelles 02120 Guise
This 3-star meublé de tourisme in a magnificent farmhouse will leave you spellbound. Located in the Oise valley, and with the "Accueil Vélo" label, 2 excellent electrically-assisted bicycles with all the necessary equipment are waiting for you. Nearby Guise, you can walk or cycle to the Familistère Godin, the Château Fort or the euro Vélo route 3, and discover the Thiérache countryside and its many hiking trails. And don't forget the local delicacies, including Maroilles, beers and confectionery. What a delight!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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