House 4 people - La Maison de la grenouille

3 , rue du docteur Loppé 17000 La Rochelle
3 , rue du docteur Loppé 17000 La Rochelle
850 meters from the station on foot, the gite is ideal for hikers and cyclists. With a strong commitment to quality of life and the virtues and values of sport, we offer secure, ground-level accommodation for 4 people, ideal for a family with young children or a small group of cyclists.

Enclosed on both the terrace and garden sides, you can enjoy carefree outdoor living. Free parking opposite the house is available.

We welcome you in a lovely 80 square-meter space that we've just renovated (double windows with electric shutters in the bedrooms, new parquet and tiles), not to mention a fully equipped kitchen (new gas stove, fridge-freezer, dishwasher, microwave oven, toaster, kettle, Nespresso Magimix coffee maker) and, of course, an Italian-style shower room. Just be patient with the exterior walls, they'll come!

For families, we can provide a cot, high chair and changing table.

For our cyclists, there's a wooden chalet in the garden where you can store your precious equipment and recharge your VAEs, as we're moving towards the bike label.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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