Gîtes du tilleul

435 Chemin du Tilleul 59670 Cassel
435 Chemin du Tilleul 59670 Cassel
Situated near the Opal Coast, 45 km from Lille, 60 km from Calais and 95 km from Bruges, Cassel is a historic fortified town. It is the highest point in the region, with a splendid view of Flanders from the foot of its windmill. Numerous footpaths criss-cross the town, leading to the picturesque surrounding countryside.

The fully renovated gîtes are located on the south-facing slope. They offer charm, calm and serenity, even though they are only 300 m from the shopping square with its typical estaminets. Deer, squirrels and a multitude of birds can often be seen in the park.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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