10 route de Nantes 44430 Le Loroux-Bottereau
10 route de Nantes 44430 Le Loroux-Bottereau
On the ground floor of a small stone house of the vineyard, the Augustine room welcomes you in an ambiance of childhood memories of family furniture revisited .... You access your room independently, enjoy your stay, according to your desires and your rhythm ... This spacious room offers a king bed 160x200 or 2 beds (80x200) and 2 extra beds possible. The bathroom with large shower and toilet are private. A coffee maker and kettle are available for small breaks. The breakfast time is very important to us! You will discover hearty delicacies houses Isabelle prepares and files every morning in a basket "surprise" ... for dinner, beautiful tables are within walking distance from your room. Here every object tells something and the nights are soft and quiet!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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