Cabane La Bérinoise

6 Rue de l'École 71510 Saint-Bérain-sur-Dheune
6 Rue de l'École 71510 Saint-Bérain-sur-Dheune
This hut is for you, cyclists or hikers looking for one or more nights of shelter and dryness.

An access ramp allows you to bring your bikes in if necessary. A bicycle garage is also available in the nearby car park.

In each hut you will find a bunk bed (2 beds below, 1 bed above), a table and stools, lighting and electrical outlets for recharging bicycle or telephone batteries as well as a microwave and a fridge. They are of course equipped with a cleaning kit.

You will receive by courier, 48 hours before your arrival, an access code to have access to the key of your hut (key box located next to the door)

Amenities are nearby (toilet and shower). The shower is reserved for you and the access key is in the cabin.

Sheets, blankets and pillows are not provided.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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