Au vieux séchoir : L'orée des bois

7 rue de Dorlisheim 67560 Rosheim
7 rue de Dorlisheim 67560 Rosheim
It is in the small Alsatian town of Rosheim, a warm medieval city located on the wine road between Strasbourg and Colmar, that our Gites "Au Vieux Séchoir" invite you for a week or a weekend to a journey to the heart of authentic Alsace. Ideal starting point between tourist visits and hikes.
Our 4 lodgings are arranged in what was, still 40 years ago, an old hangar intended for the drying of the tobacco.

In the heart of the family farm, you will find around our gîtes, a unique atmosphere evoking life on the farm, throughout the seasons.

In a quiet area, at the entrance of the city, our lodgings will offer you all the necessary comfort for the good progress of your stay in the Alsatian countryside.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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