Activinum - Appartement 2

27 Rue de la République 71640 Givry
27 Rue de la République 71640 Givry
In the heart of Givry, in a completely renovated building, come and spend some quality time in this furnished studio of 31 m2, offering a high level of comfort, allowing you to live in complete freedom and autonomy thanks to its fully equipped kitchen (refrigerator, dishwasher, hotplates, oven, espresso machine...). The XXL bedding (180x200), the bathroom with toilet and Italian shower, the reversible air conditioning, the general atmosphere and many other quality services will convince you to extend your stay.
Many activities await you, such as bike rides on the greenway located a few hundred meters away, walks in the vineyards, tastings of Burgundy wines, accrobranche sessions for the most intrepid, and visits to the rich regional heritage.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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