The Original's Hôtel Amiens Sud

73 Avenue Valéry Giscard d'Estaing Angle 40 Ambroise Paré 80090 Amiens
73 Avenue Valéry Giscard d'Estaing Angle 40 Ambroise Paré 80090 Amiens
The Originals Boutique Hôtel Amiens Sud. "A new hotel in a new, fast-growing district, close to road and motorway access And above all, a new kind of hotel: "While we welcome customers from all horizons (tourism, as well as business travelers), we also aim to welcome people who frequent the nearby CHU (patients, doctors, families)." That's why the 3-star establishment has been designed as a bubble of well-being, with 125 cosy, air-conditioned rooms.
Our "Bistro Regent" restaurant is open 7 days a week, for lunch and dinner, with a capacity of 95 seats and 130 when our south-facing, shaded terrace is open from May to October.
Our two meeting rooms for up to 60 people are also at your disposal, as is our fitness center.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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