Najeti Golf hôtel de Valescure

55, Avenue Paul l'Hermite 83530 Saint-Raphaël
55, Avenue Paul l'Hermite 83530 Saint-Raphaël
This hotel is adapted to your needs.
Located in Saint-Raphaël and near Fréjus, the Najeti Golf Hôtel de Valescure welcomes you all year round. You will have the choice between 62 rooms (including 8 Junior Suites/12 Luxe/3 PMR and 39 Charmes) to rest in a soothing setting, facing the Valescure golf course. From your terrace you will have a view of the hotel gardens or the swimming pool/golf course. Each room is equipped with all the necessary equipment: quality bedding and pillows, bathroom and toilet, television, air conditioning...
PMR rooms are suitable for people with reduced mobility.
Some rooms are equiped to welcome guests with limited mobility. Our free Wi-Fi connection will allow you to work or check your emails. La Table restaurant and our Club House brasserie offer many eating options. Breakfast can be served in your room or at our buffet. Our parking options include a private secured parking as well a an underground parking. Our hotel can accommodate seminars, cocktail parties or other events in our exceptionnal seminar facility facing the golf course. At your disposal, two modular seminar rooms (Salon Cézanne, 130 sq. m.) as well as three dinning rooms including two modular ones and a meeting room (Les Pins Parasols, 160 sq. m). The hotel is situated at only 50 minutes from the Nice airport and 15 minutes to the Saint Raphaël train station, a fantastic opportunity to work in an exceptionnal enviroment combining sea and mountains. This hotel can become your professional space: lounge area at the reception, a Club House bar, an outdoor pool with terrace, a wellness center. Any of these spaces can be privatized.
The hotel has an outdoor swimming pool (unheated and closed during the winter period) and a NUXE Spa equipped with a sauna, hammam, hot/cold shower and herbal tea corner. We offer treatments and massages (if available as a “duo”). Treatments (except 30-minute treatments) include access to the relaxation area for one hour. They cannot be eaten separately.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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