La Tonnellerie

La Tonnellerie 12 rue des Eaux Bleues 45190 Tavers
La Tonnellerie 12 rue des Eaux Bleues 45190 Tavers
La Tonnellerie is a former wine merchant's residence from 1830, full of history, which has retained all of its charm. Here you will find the atmosphere, the very special soul of a family house with antique furniture and the decoration of a French bourgeois house from the 1800s. And on this same historic site you will enjoy modern amenities such as the WIFI, flat screens with satellite and sports channels.

For moments of relaxation, depending on the season, you can enjoy the large garden with the terrace and the heated swimming pool or the indoor lounges with fireplace.

From 2024 onwards, if you want to stay on site for a bite to eat, a range of local, artisanal jars will be available.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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