Hôtel La Châtellenie

1 Rue du Commerce 86460 Availles-Limouzine
1 Rue du Commerce 86460 Availles-Limouzine
La Châtellenie, an inn of character located in the heart of the village of Availles-Limouzine, offers you nine rooms with a neat and personalized decor, including one room accessible to people with reduced mobility.
Take advantage of your stay to discover and appreciate the gastronomic cuisine with seasonal products in its restaurant.
Located in the heart of the village, the chef Thomas Fournier elaborates his menus with fresh seasonal products by favoring local producers.
During the week, the chef will propose menus starting at 11,00 ? for lunch and 19,00 ? for dinner.
On weekends, he will propose menus from 19,00 ?

Classified as an Elegance Hotel and Distinguished Table, the restaurant "La Châtellenie" welcomes you every day except Monday and Saturday and every evening except Monday and Sunday.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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