La Chambre d'Amiens

1 avenue de l'Hippodrome 80090 Amiens
1 avenue de l'Hippodrome 80090 Amiens
The Chambre d'Amiens, benefits from a privileged geographical situation, both close to the city centre of Amiens and its tourist sites (Cathedral, Hortillonnages, Maison Jules Verne, Tour Perret, Saint-Leu district...) and a business centre near an exit of the A16 motorway where the Parc des Expositions de Mégacité, the Zenith, the Stade de la Licorne, the hippodrome are located ... The Chambre d'Amiens is also 5 minutes by car from the CHU Amiens Sud.

The Lachambre family will welcome you in a calm, original setting, combining modernity, comfort and conviviality. You will find there atmospheres highlighting the richness and history of Amiens and the Somme. The decoration of each floor invites you to discover a facet of the area: history and art, nature, the city and modernity and finally water.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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