Hôtel Tandem

2 place de la Gare 67100 Strasbourg
2 place de la Gare 67100 Strasbourg
Discover Hôtel Tandem, a unique, eco-friendly accommodation experience in the heart of Strasbourg. We're proud of our environmentally-friendly practices and our commitment to enhancing local heritage. Enjoy the modern comfort and timeless elegance of our rooms while participating in sustainable tourism. As an eco-responsible hotel, we have implemented initiatives to reduce our ecological footprint, including the use of local and organically grown products. At Hôtel Tandem, you're more than just a visitor; you're a player in preserving the beauty and richness of our region. You'll enjoy an authentic and committed experience, in harmony with Alsatian values. Embark on a responsible journey and discover the wonders of Strasbourg, from Petite France to the majestic cathedral, while staying in an establishment that embodies team spirit, sincere hospitality and respect for the planet. Welcome to Hôtel Tandem, where luxury and ecology meet.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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