Hotel Spa Le Calendal

5 Rue Porte de Laure 13104 Arles
5 Rue Porte de Laure 13104 Arles
Ideally located between the arenas and the ancient theatre, the Spa the Calendal hotel has 38 rooms with garden view or old Arles, some of which overlook the monuments.His famous garden at the tercentenary Hackberry is a real green for a breakfast or a sweet or salty break proposed by the Calendal counter: salads, sandwiches to organic bread, casseroles, soups, pastries, proposed for customers, and 24/24 for the hotel guests.His contemporary spa perpetuates an ancient tradition of relaxation and beauty with the jacuzzi facing the arenas photography is part of its history, now, she is part of his identity 40 works were photographic originals of young artists are on permanent display in the rooms of the hotel.The works have been produced on 4 themes: literature, architecture, cinema, painting. Higher national school of photography has provided artistic and technical project management.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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