Hôtel-Restaurant Spa Au Soleil

20 rue Sainte Gertrude 68920 Wettolsheim
20 rue Sainte Gertrude 68920 Wettolsheim
Since 1960, L'HÔTEL SPA AU SOLEIL has welcomed you in the heart of the Alsace vineyards between Mulhouse and Strasbourg.

Located 5 km from Colmar and its tourist town center, 12 km from Kaysersberg and the Ammerschwihr golf course, 14 km from Les Trois-Epis and 16 km from the Munster valley, our hotel is an ideal stopover on your discovery of the Wine Route.

Come and enjoy our fully renovated and equipped rooms for a restful and relaxing stay.

HÔTEL SPA AU SOLEIL is above all a story of transmission from generation to generation. For over 60 years, we have made our establishment a benchmark in the Alsace hotel and restaurant industry. It's this heritage that we'd like to pass on to you.

For your leisure activities and discoveries, we offer a wide range of activities, including walks, hikes, wine tastings, wine festivals and Christmas markets.

The HÔTEL SPA AU SOLEIL offers you a unique stay in the heart of the Alsatian vineyards, where you can experience a moment of absolute serenity in a soothing and inspiring setting.
On a legendary itinerary, meet passionate winegrowers, admire exceptional landscapes and immerse yourself in the picturesque charm of the surrounding villages.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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