Hôtel-Restaurant Manoir le Roure

4312 Route de Saint Paul 26780 Châteauneuf-du-Rhône
4312 Route de Saint Paul 26780 Châteauneuf-du-Rhône
When discovering the Manoir estate, visitors are charmed by the huge green spaces and the look of the historic building. It is immediately noticeable that their stay will be unforgettable. An enchanted parenthesis , a breath to rest and find yourself. But where to start ? To tell the truth, the choice is vast between walks in the park, the swimming pool, the outdoor spa, the zen spaces...
The hotel rooms at Manoir Le Roure have as many points in common as they do differences. They share the same demand for quality and comfort so that your nights are serene and restful. Each room has its own personality. The layout of the furniture, the decoration and a few specific subtleties indeed create unique atmospheres.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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