Hotel-Restaurant le Mas d'Hélène

480 chemin de la Ribaude 84110 Crestet
480 chemin de la Ribaude 84110 Crestet
Le Mas d'Hélène is a family-run business. All is quietude and plenitude in this residence with the charms of Provence. 12 spacious rooms on the second floor and a room for the disabled on the first floor, each with a Provencal accent. All are equipped with bathroom, toilet, telephone, television and air conditioning. The restaurant's decor ensures a warm ambience. The cuisine is renowned. The terrace by the pool, with views of Mont Ventoux, lets you enjoy the warm summer nights. For your comfort, the pool is heated from May to September. Groups of cyclists, hikers and trail runners welcome.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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