Hotel-Restaurant La Clé des Champs

29 Chemin de la Digue 73800 Montmélian
29 Chemin de la Digue 73800 Montmélian
The hotel La Clé des Champs welcomes you all year round. Warmth and kindness accompany our guests, at the service of all their requests.

The hotel La Clé des Champs de Montmélian has 41 fully renovated and air-conditioned rooms, 2 of which are accessible to disabled guests. Comfortable and well-appointed, our rooms, double or twin, offer modern and quality furnishings, plenty of storage space and free high-speed Wi-Fi access.

Moreover, pets are welcome in our establishment at no extra charge.

Our restaurant Le Cep Gourmand is renowned for the quality and diversity of its buffet of starters and desserts, as well as its varied and refined dishes of the day. Our cook guarantees you seasonal cuisine and fresh products.

You will enjoy a friendly atmosphere and, in the summertime, our beautiful outdoor terrace.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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