Hôtel-restaurant du Faudé

28 rue du Général Dufieux 68650 Lapoutroie
28 rue du Général Dufieux 68650 Lapoutroie
In the heart of the Welche Country in a green setting, discover the Faudé . On the hotel side, there are 29 comfortable rooms with warm colours and personalised decor, in a resolutely rustic style.

In the kitchen, it's a feast for the senses and flavours. The chef draws his inspiration both from the resources of the generous nature that surrounds him and from borrowings from more distant horizons... without forgetting to mention the restaurant's cellar, which will not fail to deliver its fabulous riches to you!

To relax, Le Faudé offers you its summer terrace or its garden crossed by a river.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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