Hôtel-restaurant du Canard

7, place de la Gare 80310 Hangest-sur-Somme
7, place de la Gare 80310 Hangest-sur-Somme
The hotel-restaurant du Canard offers 5 comfortable rooms for an unforgettable stay in the Somme Valley.
From 25 to 35 m2, each room offers you a personalized, warm and harmonious space, with private bathroom and independent WC
Each one has its own universe and answers to the evocative names of the Sarcelle, the Siffleur or the Bernache, ..
The Bernache can accommodate 4 adults, the Souchet is accessible to people with reduced mobility
To make the most of your stay and your visit to taste Harry's cuisine, the hotel-restaurant du Canard has set up half-board and breakfast packages
? Half board supplement : 34?/pers./day
? Breakfast : 12?/pers
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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