Hôtel-Restaurant Auberge Le Collet

Le Collet 26420 Saint-Agnan-en-Vercors
Le Collet 26420 Saint-Agnan-en-Vercors
6 spacious rooms with all mod cons, "homemade" cuisine by Christian, ideal for mountain lovers, hikers as a couple, as a family or in a group (up to 24 people).
Located in a natural and authentic setting, between La Chapelle en Vercors and Saint Agnan en Vercors, at an altitude of 900 m, the Auberge le Collet is in the heart of the Vercors Natural Park, in the Vercors Drôme and Royans Vercors territory, in proximity to sporting, historical and tourist activities.
Come to us and get around: do not hesitate to consult the transport section of the Chapelle en Vercors.
We welcome you in all simplicity, with a philosophy based on the values of the "Inspiration Vercors" label which are the welcome, the promotion of local products and the various actors and stakeholders who like us share the same state of mind. management of our territory and attachment to our environment.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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