Hôtel Reine Mathilde

Hotel complex divided into 3 categories: Queen Mathilde, the Annex and the House of Mathilde. Located in the old town of Bayeux, 150m from the Cathedral and the Tapestry, these 32 air-conditioned rooms are equipped with beds in 160 or 180, shower-wc, direct telephone, TV and free WiFi access. Moreover, the rooms of the Annex and the House of Mathilde are equipped with a welcome tray. You will also find a mini bar at your disposal in the Maison de Mathilde.
The hotel's terrace, weather permitting, will welcome you for your breakfast with local products. Take advantage of our restaurant in the heart of a green setting and its sunny terrace, by the river.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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