2 Place du Vainquai 62500 Saint-Omer
2 Place du Vainquai 62500 Saint-Omer
Ideally located in the city center, 350m from the train station and the EuroVelo 5, our Mercure hotel welcomes you in a warm setting with a storytelling around the Marais Audomarois, in Saint-Omer.
Our 74 rooms with a chic and contemporary decoration are equipped with all the necessary comfort for your stay. We have a restaurant, "Le Strom", and a bar.
Discover the historical fortified city, the Notre-Dame de Saint-Omer cathedral, the public garden and the museum of the Sandelin hotel or the 3500 hectares of marshes.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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