Hôtel Mercure Bordeaux Gare Atlantic

69 Rue Eugène Le Roy 33800 Bordeaux
69 Rue Eugène Le Roy 33800 Bordeaux
The Mercure Bordeaux Gare Atlantic hotel is located in the heart of a completely renovated and transformed district: Saint Jean. Bordering the old Bordeaux and the Paludate business district, it is centrally located in the city. Come and discover this 4-star hotel inspired by the old bourgeois houses, its refined rooms and suites, its restaurant Le Saint Jean, a real bistro where authenticity is the key word, and its lounges and seminar areas where people like to gather
This district is one of the liveliest in Bordeaux, in mutation, it is animated by the youth of Bordeaux but also by the Saint-Jean train station and its batch of travelers. It is also becoming a dynamic and ideally located business district.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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