Hôtel Les Pins

22 rue de Mauricet 33990 Hourtin
22 rue de Mauricet 33990 Hourtin
Situated at the exit of the village of Hourtin, at 10 km of the nearest beach and at 2 km of the Lake, the hotel of Pins welcomes you - as well for one night or for a long stay - in a quiet and green environment!
We are opened all year around with the exception of Christmas and New Years celebrations.
The hotel has 18 bedrooms, all on the same level, around the outdoor pool (opened in summer only). All the bedrooms are 20 m ². They have air-conditioning and are equipped with free WiFi, a flatscreen tv and some foreign channels. Every bathroom is equipped with a bathtub.

A bedroom was especially designed for the people with reduced mobility.
A big parking lot is at your disposal during your stay. Animals are not accepted in the establishment.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.
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20 km

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