Gorges du Tarn 21 route neuve 48320 Ispagnac
Gorges du Tarn 21 route neuve 48320 Ispagnac
Hotel restaurant located at the entrance of the Gorges du Tarn in Ispagnac. 23 spacious and comfortable rooms, some with balconies and panoramic views. A table where we will appreciate the local products ... Ispagnac, a green resort at the source of discovery, offers many activities and marked trails in the form of a loop from the hotel. The hotel is located near the old village center close to services and entertainment. Its exposure is sunny, the rooms benefit from a pretty sight on the wide valley. At the restaurant table, are served local products whose flavors will delight your taste buds!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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