Hôtel Le Relais des Lacs

Avenue François Mitterrand 58230 Planchez
Avenue François Mitterrand 58230 Planchez
Ideally located 7 kms from Lac des Settons and 15 kms from Lac de Pannecière, and 15 kms from Chateau Chinon, the Relais des Lacs hotel-restaurant is the starting point for many excursions. Ideal place for groups with its 30 rooms. Activities of full nature for the sportsmen (baths, excursions...) or cultural activities for the curious (Bibracte, Autun...), each one will find its pleasure there. Our recently renovated rooms are comfortable and bright. They are equipped with flat screen TV and have free wifi access. Our hotel is open 7 days a week. 2 rooms are equipped for people with reduced mobility. Relais Motards
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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