Hotel Le Mirval

3 rue Vincent Ferrier 06430 La Brigue
3 rue Vincent Ferrier 06430 La Brigue
Situated between the Roya Valley and the Italian border, Mirval is coveted for its quiet, tranquil surroundings. Built opposite the bridge over the Levensa at the entrance to the village, it has been welcoming visitors to La Brigue for over a century. Behind the old-fashioned charm of the façade lies the comfort of a completely renovated establishment and efficient organization. As a starting point for hikes, bike rides or idle wanderings, it's an address that's a pleasure to linger at. It's a great opportunity to immerse yourself in this mountainous region and discover Brigasque's remarkable heritage. The famous Notre Dame des Fontaines chapel, the Sistine Chapel of the Alpes Maritimes, can be reached in less than an hour on foot and in just 10 minutes by bike!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.
100 km

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