Hôtel Le Domaine du Colombier

270 chemin de Malombre 26780 Malataverne
270 chemin de Malombre 26780 Malataverne
In the heart of the Drôme Provençale region, Domaine du Colombier is an ancient 14th-century bastide that served as a stopover for pilgrims. Its 4-hectare wooded and flower-filled park, terraces, fountains and heated outdoor pool invite you to relax to the utmost.
Domaine du Colombier is an ideal stopover for epicureans in search of serenity in the Drôme provençale, the gateway to Provence and its Mediterranean climate.
The 4-star hotel boasts 19 rooms and 4 suites, in soft, restful colors that combine refinement and comfort.
To complete your stay, our gourmet restaurant welcomes you from Thursday to Monday for dinner, and on Sundays for lunch.
Chef Johan Thyriot and his team draw on the treasures of the region to create a creative cuisine that sublimates flavors with the seasons. An unwavering commitment to exceptional local produce, enhanced by a resolutely eco-responsible approach. An unforgettable culinary experience, a palette of dazzling flavors and a commitment to environmentally-friendly gastronomy.
Our bistro welcomes you Monday to Saturday, lunchtime and evening, orchestrated by Chef Anthony Monteremal and his team. In his dishes, which tell the story of the land with sincerity and passion, the Chef follows the rhythm of the seasons and honors the classics of French culinary heritage with happiness and subtlety.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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