10 place Jules Raimbault 49260 Le Puy-Notre-Dame
10 place Jules Raimbault 49260 Le Puy-Notre-Dame
Charm and heritage, le Chai de la Paleine welcomes you to its warm and unique atmosphere in the heart of the Regional Natural Park of Loire Anjou Touraine. The 12 personalised rooms, reflecting the Anjou vineyards, large indoor and outdoor lounges all guarantee a pleasant stay. Le Chai de la Paleine is the perfect starting point to discover the riches and expressions of the Saumur region. It is the ideal place from which to explore our pleasant region with its distinctive chateaux, wine-growing areas and troglodytic sites. Many sports and leisure activities are on offer : Horse-riding in Saumur, golf, mountain-bike trails, footpaths, swimming pools,... We also offer the following package deals : family nature weekends; the roses of Doué la Fontaine; from wine-tasting to silkworms.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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