Hôtel Le Castillan

19 Route des grands cols 05320 La Grave
19 Route des grands cols 05320 La Grave
Proudly standing in the village centre of la Grave, the Castillan Hotel is a place where we promote friendlyness and welcoming traditions. Moreover, like the Meije glacier, we are all the different seasons. In winter or in summer, you will enjoy the peace and quite of what the mountains have to offer, and our family business hotel will be a great help to make you live your adventure to the fulliest.
A building of 31 rooms, with half of them supplied with a loggia overviewing the Meije glacier. There is also a panoramic restaurant and bar open all day. Under the same roof, in a very authentically built house made out of stone and wood, you will feel at home, muffled in cosy rooms open on the Meije glacier or on the village, menus from a Maitre Restaurateur that will make your taste buds thrilled, a living room, a swimming pool, a sauna and a garden.

The Chef, Marc Castillan, is a Maître Restaurateur that values and garantees a fresh and tasty cuisine by getting supplies from the local farmers. New and made with love specialites are made in our kitchen everyday.

The hotel is labelled as "Accueil Cyclo Oisans - 2 Vélos", meaning we are fully equiped to welcome cyclistes and bikers. For e-bikes, there will be a Bosch terminal to recharch your bateries for free in a locked room.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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