32, rue Neuve 85160 Saint-Jean-de-Monts
32, rue Neuve 85160 Saint-Jean-de-Monts
After travelling the world, Véronique and Frédéric chose the Pyrenees before returning to their roots. In 2017, they acquired a hotel in Saint Jean de Monts, 350m from the beach. Renovated with passion, it has become La Côte Océane, a boutique hotel with 29 rooms and a meticulously-crafted marine décor.

The homemade breakfast is a delight to savour on the cosy patio. They share their love of the region by offering advice on shore fishing and special offers to discover the area.

The hotel has the "Accueil Vélo" label and is involved in the "Welcome" initiative for foreign visitors. Véro and Fred offer a warm and friendly welcome, just like at home!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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